Troubleshooting Stripe for VirtueMart & Joomla!

Stripe VirtueMart 2 & 3 / Joomla 2.5 & 3.3
We have released a VirtueMart 3 and Joomla 3.3 version in November 2014. Screenshots below are from VirtueMart 2 and Joomla 2.5. Sorry for the inconvenience while we update our pages.Basic checks before contacting our support
We really want you to be successful in using our Stripe plugin, and nobody likes it when it doesn't work. At the same time, there is so many different website configurations, so we put together this non-exhaustive list to locate potential causes of the issue. Please go through it and let us know what do you find.
If you are looking for our main documentation to Install the plugin, please click here.
1. Working with other Extensions
- Most of the issues that our customers reported were linked to other extensions changing the behaviour of the default VirtueMart checkout, or the payment form. So if you don't use the default VM checkout, please first, in the Stripe plugin settings, try again with the option Stripe Charge Type set to Charge Direct.
- Joomla 3.9.26, VirtueMart 3.8.8,
- Joomla 3.9.16, VirtueMart 3.6.10, PHP 7.1.33, 7.2.28, 7.3.15 and 7.4.3,
- Joomla 3.9.2, VirtueMart 3.4.2, PHP 7.1.26 and 7.2.14,
- Joomla 3.8.13, VirtueMart 3.2.14,
You may need to use our plugin version 1.1.2 for the following versions:
- Joomla 2.5.28, VirtueMart and VirtueMart 2.0.26d.
- Some other issues were linked to JavaScript conflicts. So if there such an issue, please, in the Stripe plugin settings, make sure that the option Force jQuery for Stripe plugin is set to No.
- If the issue is still there, make sure that the payment process, with the default VirtueMart checkout, works without any problem (untick VirtueMart Configuration > Checkout > One Page Checkout enabled).
- Is there any extension that change the default cart and checkout process? Now disable these extensions, one at a time, and try again. If the issue is not there any more, we know where to look at.
- Using security extensions? Akeeba Admin Tools, AnythingDigital SEF404, ...
2. Template
A great choice of templates is available for the Joomla community! Complex structure and design may not work properly out of the box.
- Which template are you using?
- Test the plugin with the default Joomla and VirtueMart template.
3. Another payment method
At the moment, our plugin code share part of the code with, included in VirtueMart. So you can enable this plugin to check if you experience the same issue. Also, try the "Standard" payment method, to make sure the checkout process is going completely through.
- Which payment method have you tested already with the same configuration?
4. Use a test website
The payment process is one of the most critical part of an eCommerce website. And like with any new extension or update, we recommend to test our plugin on a copy of the merchant website, and not directly on a live/production website. Conflicts, template or design issues may happen, and that will be the right place to fix them.
5. Support and Limitations
The plugin subscription included one year of support and updates. We do not provide support for troubleshooting Joomla and VirtueMart setup and configuration, never. Joomla and VirtueMart can be very complex set-up with many extensions, and we do not pretend to know them all. However, if there is bug with our plugin, we will do our best to fix it and provide a new version to solve the issue.
We do not necessarely fix conflict with other extensions: that will depends on a lot of things. For €99 we provide the Extra Services Installation on existing VirtueMart, Payment transaction tests.
It does not mean that we will be able to fix everything, but we will be in a position to make the Stripe plugin work on this specific website. And if in a rare case we cannot make it work, then we may exceptionally refund our client without any problem. But NOT without trying hard to make it work for his/her particular setup!
6. Help us to help you!
Please provide us with your server setup and versions details, only in a private ticket:
- Server Operating System
- Web server (Apache, IIS, ...)
- PHP 5.x.x
- MySql 5.x.x
- Joomla 2/3.x.x
- VirtueMart 2/3.x.x