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#145 – Cannot get 3D Secure to work

Posted in ‘Stripe for VirtueMart’
This is a public ticket. Everybody will be able to see its contents. Do not include usernames, passwords or any other sensitive information.
Wednesday, 05 June 2019 21:27 IST
We have initially installed the Stripe payment plugin 2.2.5 in our test system. Within Configuration we have set '3D Secure support' to 'Enabled (only when 3DS Required)'. When we try to make a payment in test mode with credit card 4000000000003063 we receive a message, 'Error Your card was declined'. (We can successfully make test payments with the non 3D Secure cards.)
Thursday, 06 June 2019 09:58 IST
Hi David,

Thank you for using our plugin for VirtueMart.

It looks like this test card number should respond Required, and follow up on the 3DS authentication, according to Stripe Docs

It is maybe in the Radar rules, but I cannot check that.
Please could you check in the Dashboard, with the Viewing test data button toggled on, the Developers > Events and Logs to find out more details of the declined message ?

Kind regards,
Thursday, 06 June 2019 12:31 IST
Hi Hervé,

We followed your instructions and deduced that, 'Stripe Charge Type' needed to be set to 'Stripe.js' within the plugin. We can now obtain the, '3D Secure Test Payment Page'. However, when we click, 'FAIL TEST PAYMENT' on that page, we obtain a Joomla! error page with the message ' 0 - The source you provided is not in a chargeable state.'

Kind Regards,
Thursday, 06 June 2019 12:38 IST
Thanks David for the feedback.

So let's make sure the checkout context is the default VirtueMart one, not a third party extension.

The FAIL TEST should actually display the error message in VirtueMart, as far as I remember. What happens with an Authorised Payment from the Stripe's 3D Secure Test Payment Page ?

Note: if we need to look further, I could do more tests later in the afternoon.

Kind regards,
Thursday, 06 June 2019 13:14 IST
Hi Hervé,

I confirm we are using the default VirtueMart checkout. If we click, 'AUTHORIZE TEST PAYMENT' on the '3D Secure Test Payment Page'. then everything is perfect. (We obtain a Thank you for your Order! message along with Payment Name, Order Number, Amount and Transaction ID.)

We have been using an older version of this Stripe Plugin without problem. One reason we re-purchased it was to take advantage of its 3D Secure capability. We have heard that in September, PSD2 regulation will require Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) for some payments. We would like to know whether this plugin should meet these requirements.

Kind Regards,
Thursday, 06 June 2019 14:09 IST
Thanks David for your reply.

So there must be a problem with the return of the failed response message, I will look into it later so. I will get back to you then.

To answer your question regarding PSD2 and SCA, yes, our plugin will implement that before September. Coding and testing are on the way!

And some other features, like some much nicer and modern layouts for the card input, similar to some mobile apps.

Kind regards,
Thursday, 06 June 2019 14:30 IST
Thanks Hervé for your swift reply.

As always, we are impressed by the speed that you respond to support issues.

It is excellent news that the plugin will be able to handle SCA in time for September.

We will now await your next reply .

Kind Regards,
Friday, 07 June 2019 09:30 IST
Hi David,

I can confirm the issue with the Failed Test selected from the Stripe 3DS environment. I am sorry about the issue you are experiencing, and I started to track it down yesterday evening.

I am fixing it in the coming days, and I will get back to you with a fixed version. Thank you for your patience in the meantime.

Kind regards,
Friday, 07 June 2019 10:05 IST
Hi Hervé,

Thank you.

For the moment, we will continue using the old version of the plugin on our live site.

Kind Regards,
Thursday, 13 June 2019 11:27 IST
Hi David,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I have a website demo to present to a client, and Tuesday and Wednesday I was in training almost all day, after being on a waiting list until the last minute.

Any way, I continue to code and fix the routing issue for the error in 3DS, to get a fixed version especially for you. Then I have a few small features and fixes to apply and test as well, for the next release of the plugin. Pretty excited and busy, that's great ;-)

Kind regards,
Monday, 17 June 2019 09:33 IST
Hi Hervé,

Thank you for keeping us updated.

The delay is no real problem because our live site has installed an older version of your plugin which still meets our site needs perfectly.

We recently renewed our subscription to take advantage of the 3D Secure capability of the plugin. We were wondering if you might consider extending our subscription so it expires a year after that fix is ready.

Kind Regards,
Monday, 17 June 2019 12:07 IST
Hi David,

Thank you for your reply.

With such a kind request, I can only consider positively to extend your subscription. And I will do once the fix is ready.

Have a nice day!
Friday, 19 July 2019 12:42 IST
Hi David,

Thank you for your patience. I am coding some new features and migration for a major release for 3D Secure v2 and SCA.

The good thing is that I port back some section of the new code to fix the issue you reported, and also to handle errors and exceptions better.

The bug fix release is there now: v2.2.6 !

The message for the failed authentication in as follow:
VMPAYMENT_STRIPE_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED="The payment was declined or failed to authenticate."

Please let me know if you think about a better wording. You may also use language override in your joomla set-up inside

Your subscription has been extended accordingly, like agreed before.

Please let me know if you need any further assistance.
Kind regards,
Monday, 27 April 2020 23:09 IST
Issue 1
We have installed version 2.3.0 of the Stripe payment plugin. Within Configuration we have set '3D Secure support' to 'Enabled (only when 3DS Required)'. When we try to make a payment in test mode with credit card 4000000000003063 we receive a message, 'Error Your card was declined'. We reported this problem to you in June last year. The fix was to set, 'Stripe Charge Type' to ‘Stripe.js’. However, now when we do this we receive a message, ‘Error Invalid source object: must be a dictionary or a non-empty string. See API docs at'”

Issue 2
A while back, we uploaded a copy of some credit card logo (mc-visa-amex.png) from the plugin documentation.
Now, when we set 'Logos' in 'Template Options' to 'mc-visa-amex.png' and try making a purchase, we receive a message “TCPDF ERROR: [Image] Unable to get the size of the image: …./images/virtuemart/payment/mc-visa-amex.png”
Tuesday, 28 April 2020 11:30 IST
Hi David,

Thank you for your message.

I have no report or issue similar to what you are experiencing. I am sorry for the inconvenience. I need to look closer to what you are reporting, because with version 2.3.0, there was no change to that part of the code.

Would you have the possibility to install a previous version (2.2.6 or 2.2.7) over the current one? It just needs the zip package with the Extension Manager in Joomla back end.

Also, could you please give me the Joomla and VirtueMart version you have at the same time?

Regarding the 2nd issue, TCPDF ERROR may not be related to our Stripe plugin, but rather with a VirtueMart update or setting. Please could you have a look in the back end
- VirtueMart > Configuration > Shop (tab), to check if there is a warning
- VirtueMart > Configuration > Templates, to check the le Safe path.

Also, with a VirtueMart instance setup prior to version 3.2 I think, some images might into

instead of

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,
Tuesday, 28 April 2020 13:47 IST
Hi Hervé,

Thank you for your swift reply.

We are running VirtueMart 3.6.10 10211 over Joomla! 3.9.18.

Issue 1

3D secure is fully working when we revert back to version 2.2.6 of the plugin. With version 2.2.7 we receive a message "Error The source you provided is not in a chargeable state."

Issue 2

We have that logo in images/stories/virtuemart/payment and images/virtuemart/payment.

There is no warning at VirtueMart > Configuration > Shop (tab) and the safe path is OK at VirtueMart > Configuration > Templates.

Kind Regards,

Wednesday, 29 April 2020 17:16 IST
Hi David,

Thank you for the details, it helps a lot.

This is very strange, as there is no such change in the code between versions 2.2.6, 2.2.7 and 2.3.0.

I am trying again, but I cannot reproduce it. Please could clean the Joomla cache, and the browser used as well, and test it again? While I am testing repeatedly, I am clearing caches very often, as between browser's cache, Firefox or Chrome, and depending on Joomla/VirtueMart cache settings, I ran into issue often.

I may need to look into your website directly, as it would be more efficient. Would it be possible? Please do not post any credentials while this Support Ticket is Public!

Kind regards,
Wednesday, 29 April 2020 18:48 IST
Hi again,

I checked back our tickets with you, and found out that you may have only one payment enable (so Stripe). I have here the issue that, on the default VirtueMart One Page Checkout layout, the credit card details, for customer input, are not displayed.

Is it the problem you may have?
Because then, the page display the credit card details on its own (no more cart and checkout), and something goes wrong afterwards. One issue that I am now tracking down.

I don't know exactly why the card inputs are not on the opc page yet, but further test shown the same occurs with the default VM plugins Paypal > Paypal Payment Pro, but not with As I use similar pieces of code than these official VM plugins, to keep secure and backward compatibility, this is probably a side effect. I am asking the VM forum, to fix it not only for me, but for the core project also, in the great Open Source spirit !

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

I hope you and your family are well in this unprecedented situation.
#StaySafe #StayHome

Kind regards,
Thursday, 30 April 2020 00:38 IST
Hi Hervé,

I hope that you, your family and friends are safe and well.

Issue 1
We only have one payment option (Stripe) enabled and the credit card fields are not displayed on the OPC with 2.2.7 and 2.3.0. (For our testing we were allowing VM to prompt us to enter missing details.) Those fields are always displayed on the OPC with 2.2.6 and everything then is fine.

Issue 2
Actually, this TCPDF ERROR is probably not related to the Stripe plugin but any ideas you might provide for solving it would be welcome! Here is some further config. info –

Name - Location -Type - Version - Date
TCPDF - Site - Library - 2.5.0 - 28 January 2011
Tcpdf - Administrator - Component -1.0.8 - May 2019

VirtueMart 3.6.10 10211 over Joomla! 3.9.18

If necessary, we could prepare a test environment for your further investigations. Do let me know.

Kind Regards,
Wednesday, 20 May 2020 14:19 IST
Hi Hervé,

I hope that you, your family and friends are safe and well.

I am messaging to catch up with you to discover if there has been any progressing with amending the Stripe plugin to work properly with One Page Checkout.

We are presently stuck with version 2.2.6 of the plugin because the later versions (2.2.7 and 2.3.0) do not properly work with OPC. We feel we are missing out on updates with new functionality.

Kind Regards,
Thursday, 21 May 2020 17:10 IST
Hi David,

We are doing all right, thank you. I hope you and your family are well too.

Issue 1:
Apologies for not getting back to you on this ticket. I did not hear back from VM, and my mistake not to follow up. I will continue to search for that issue.

Issue 2:
It may be god to try to upload and select another image, to see if the error occurs, still. And if yes, testing with another payment/shipping plugin, where a logo can be selected the same way. Installing the same VM version over the existing one could work as well (all 5 packages from
starting by, then,,,

Having all the family at home has its own challenges, and I would not be honest sating that I can work full time as usual. So delays or just oversights may and will happen.

I am sorry that you feel you are missing out on updates with new functionality. Since 2.3.0, they are mostly taking advantage of Stripe API updates. However nothing major for VM yet. It is more visible for new or recent accounts.

I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Kind regards,
Tuesday, 09 June 2020 00:44 IST
Hi Hervé,

Today, we inconveniently have to report that the credit card fields are not displayed on the OPC even with Version 2.2.6 of the plugin and we are now obtaining 'Error Invalid source object: must be a dictionary or a non-empty string. See API docs at' when using, 'Required 3D' card 4000000000003063 in test mode.

It looks like our update to VirtueMart 3.8.2 10325 has triggered this issue.

We no longer have any working version of the plugin we can use. (Eg. We have re-tried with 2.3.0 but the same problem is there.)

Kind Regards,
Tuesday, 09 June 2020 11:30 IST
Hi David,

I am sincerely sorry about this. It sounds like a side effect of other code changes, that were hidden before. I looked and dug into this issue, and I did not find a solution that work for any version, yet. I found also different issues, depending on the context, in the VirtueMart community.

So I am looking at a quick fix for now, and I will send you a working version especially for your set-up. I will later work an a more robust solution.

Apologies again. Please expect to hear from me today.

Kind regards,
Wednesday, 10 June 2020 00:43 IST
Hi again David,

Sorry about the delay. I am trying hard to figure out what is going on here, and it seems like multiple code fixes from VM core. It is good, but it changes or break compatibility with some plugins.
Any way, I have a quick fix for you, as promised. I will send it via a link in the following reply, so you will have it in the email notification, BUT it will be unpublished from here, as it is public ticket, visible from every one.

It is a one line change, inside the method `plgVmOnCheckAutomaticSelectedPayment()`
return $return;

is replaced by an older version
return 0;

Attention: this may not work with another VirtueMart update. It works with 3.6.10, and should also work with 3.8.2+. Hopefully, you may try to install a public release of the plugin (2.2.7 to 2.3.0 for the moment) and it should continue to work.

Please let me know how it goes.
Kind regards,
Wednesday, 10 June 2020 12:08 IST
Hi Hervé,

Thank you for your quick response and for emailing us that link to a temporary version of the plugin.

Unfortunately, the problem remains in this temporary version - The credit card payment fields are not immediately showing (though they do appear if more than one payment method is enabled). When we attempt to checkout with a purchase then the CC fields do show and CC details can be entered. However, when we confirm the purchase, there is an error message, 'Error Invalid source object: must be a dictionary or a non-empty string. See API docs at'

We have not yet tried adding that line change you mentioned. I had assumed it is already present inside that temporary version of the plugin. If we need to make it then please let me know the folder for accessing that file.

Yesterday, we created a test environment which has just VirtueMart 3.8.2 10325 and its test data installed over Joomla! 3.9.18. Today, we all installed there that temporary version of the plugin, but the CC fields there also only show when more than one payment method is enabled.

As previously mentioned, credit card is the only method of payment we want in our online store.

Kind Regards,

Wednesday, 10 June 2020 17:27 IST
Hi David,

I made so many tests and debugging, that I may missed something, sorry.
The version with the quick fix works with VirtueMart 3.6.10, and not with 3.8.2 unfortunately.

I am in the middle of battery of tests, with different test environments, to have a clear picture. I will also report back to the VirtueMart forum, because so far, all VM default plugins that display credit cards fields have the same issue: Paypal, Same with previous version 3.6.10.

So I am trying other fixes, as it should be in the latest commits.

I am getting back to you asap.

Kind regards,
Wednesday, 10 June 2020 20:41 IST
Hi Hervé,

We can confirm that the fix works with our live systen still running VirtueMart 3.6.10. However, version 2.2.6 of the plugin also worked with VirtueMart 3.6.10.

The advantage we have now is that our live system has a later version of the plugin. However, from reading the plugin's amendment details it seems the recent amendments are not relevant for our system.

We wish to upgrade our live system to VirtueMart 3.8.2 10325 but we cannot because then our system will not work with any plugin version.

Kind Regards,

Wednesday, 10 June 2020 21:21 IST
Hi David,

I am glad there is a working version live!

My further tests did not bring a solution for the moment. But they have confirmed that it is a wider issue with VM. I have reported it to the developers there:

Please, after an update and tests, Open and Save the payment method to update the database records, and complete the update, especially it fixes issues.

I would like to really thank you for reporting in details, and setting up test environments: that brings a lot quality to the code and the results. To thank you also for your patience, I have extended your subscription for 3 months (now expires on 2020-10-20).

I am looking forward to working back with the VirtueMart developers and community, to tackle this issue, and to bring you and my clients a better plugin version.

Take care of you and your family, Stay safe,
Kind regards,
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Reviews for Stripe for VirtueMart

star starstarstar star 

Once you go through the documentation and try out the settings (and don't forget to test it with a "test item", it works like a dream.

Ease of use

Very easy to use, though a little play with the settings may be needed to get an understanding of the system. And you need a stripe account.


Best support ever. Hervé has been very patient and kind and helped me greatly when the Stripe plugin no longer spoke with the new updates.


Documentation is very good. You do need a Stripe account, and you need a little "try out" time to get it all in place.

Value for money

Yes, very much value for money. The plugin, Hervé's support, the easy for the customers to use it. It is all worth it.

I used this to: I use it for my IMRF Bookshop: imrfbookshop(.)org. People can now pay by credit/debit card, Paypal (different plugin) and they can request an invoice and pay by bank transfer.
Owner's reply: Thanks a Million for your excellent review! This means a lot to me. And on a early Tuesday morning, you not only you made my day, but you made my whole week! Please accept my sincere gratitude for your feedback and for your trust in my services.
star starstarstarstar 

I particularly liked that test and live config is entered once, and a radio button to switch between modes

Ease of use

Straight forward to setup in the backend and easy for customers to use on the frontend.


Issues created by an upgrade to Virtuemart were dealt with in a timely manner by the developer.


Good documentation library that uses screen shots to clearly show configurations

Value for money

Yes. There are different subscription options, depending on your requirements.

I used this to: Selling various items of merchandise for a sailing club through Virtuemart.
Owner's reply: Thank you so much Lee! I am very grateful for your review and support!


15 February 2019
star starstarstarhalf star 

Covers all what I need

Ease of use

Very simple installation and very simple tu use it


Excellent !


Nearly good

Value for money

Sure !

Owner's reply: I am really thankful for your review on the JED ! Our Documentation has been improved now, also with the addition of Styling and CSS help. Soon it will be available in several languages!
star starstarstarstar 

Excellent, very easy to integrate and works well with the OPC we use from Virtueplanet.

Ease of use

Customer simply sees a neat credit card form


Excellent, fast and comprehensive


Simple to follow

Value for money

Very competitively priced, license is simple - use on as many domains as you like

I used this to: Multiple ecommerce websites
Owner's reply: Thanks a million Sharkey Consulting! I am very appreciative of your support!
star starstarstarstar 

Excellent - does everything we need

Ease of use

Very easy to use, configuration is easy


Excellent - 200 out of 100 if I could :) Herve helped with any queries super quickly


We didn't need to use it - the online help was perfect

Value for money

Excellent value, great extension for our needs

I used this to: Selling academic residential conferences
Owner's reply: Thanks a million David! I am very grateful for your appreciation!
star starstarstarstar 

It works good and easy with OPC.

Ease of use

Very easy to install.


I had a problem and it was solved fast.



Value for money


I used this to: VM shop
Owner's reply: ¡Muchas gracias! I really appreciate your feedback!
star starstarstarstar 

Works perfectly.

Ease of use

Very easy to use.


Great support! There were some issues with the template we are using, but Hervé was very helpful and competent to find a solution!

Value for money

Absolutely worth the money.

I used this to: An Italian online tea shop.
Owner's reply: Thank you very much for your great review, It means a lot to me!
star starstarstarstar 

Functioned perfectly

Ease of use

Easy to use.


Excellent support. Herve installed. Worked perfectly the first time.


Easy to understand

Value for money

Worth more... great value.

I used this to: Our Shopping Cart Products on our Website
star starstarstarstar 

This plugin is great! At first I couldn't get it to work with my install of joomla and virtuemart--but the great tech support from Puma-it (Herve) did real right by me, helping me to quickly resolve the problem and get this up and working on my site. Thanks Herve for your great Code and keep up the great work!

Owner's reply: Thank you Sethtc for sharing your review on my plugin and support services! That is the first review, so I feel very proud. Serving our customers as best as we can is rewarding, I know it!