mardi, octobre 22, 2024
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Stripe pour VirtueMart 3 & Joomla! 3


Stripe pour VirtueMart 3

Les paiements authentifiés à l’aide de 3D Secure v1 (3DS1) avec la version actuelle du plugin Stripe pour VirtueMart, par Puma-IT, sont conformes aux exigences de l’authentification forte du client (SCA) dans VirtueMart 3 & Joomla 3.x !


Avec Stripe, acceptez les paiements de clients du monde entier !

Fonctionnalités Principales

  • NOUVEAU ☆ Les champs de Carte de Crédit sont affichés même avec un seul moyen de paiement, pour la commande en page unique de VirtueMart
  • Entièrement compatible avec les Nouvelles clés longues API Stripe
  • Compatible avec les devises à zéro décimales
  • Paiements par Carte avec 3D Secure version 1 (3DS1) (optionnel) pour VirtueMart
  • Conforme aux exigences de l’authentification forte du client (SCA)
  • Traductions en espagnol, italien, et français incluses dans le paquet de langues
  • API Stripe et bibliothèques PHP mises à jour
  • Compatible avec PHP 7.4, 7.3 & 7.2
  • Implémente Stripe Source au côté de Card, utile pour les autres sources de paiement à venir
  • Ensemble complet de Restrictions : Pays, Montant minimum et maximum, Début et Fin de Publication, et pour certaines méthodes de Livraison
  • Utilise le Système de Mise à Jour Joomla, permettant une “mise à jour en un clic” depuis le panneau d’Administration de Joomla (Administrator backend) avec un download ID
  • Compatible avec la commande en page unique de VirtueMart (default one page checkout)
  • Option pour l’envoi du Reçu par e-mail Stripe
  • En mode Test, option pour afficher les numéros de Test de cartes de paiement

Voici une vidéo montrant une commande complète avec 3D Secure (et le template de frontend par défaut):

Checkout example Animated GIF


Ce plugin est aussi fourni avec plusieurs fichiers de langues pour le frontend et backend :

  • espagnol (es-ES)
  • français (fr-FR)
  • italien (it-IT)

D’autres langages à venir (et possible sur demande).

Cartes internationales et devises

Acceptez toutes les principales cartes de paiement de clients du monde entier, dans plus de 135 devises, avec les cartes de débit ou de crédit courantes, comme VisaMasterCardAmerican Express, Discover, Diners Club et JCB.

3D Secure

Réduisez le risque de fraudes et de litiges en ajoutant une couche supplémentaire d’authentification, qui vous permet de ne pas être responsable des paiements frauduleux par carte.

Notre plugin implémente 3D Secure v1, et la mise à jour vers 3D Secure version 2 progresse à grand pas !

Disponible pour les entreprises de 24 pays

Stripe est disponible pour les entreprises situées en FranceBelgique, Suisse, au Luxembourg, Canada, aux États-Unis, en Australie, Nouvelle-Zélande, Royaume-Uni, Irlande, Allemagne, Autriche, Pays-Bas, Danemark, Finlande, Norvège, Suède, Espagne, Italie, Portugal, Hong-Kong, Singapour, Malaisie et Japon (liste complète ici).

Vous avez besoin d’un compte Stripe pour utiliser ce plugin Stripe par Puma-IT. Avec vous devez utiliser SSL/TLS sur vos pages de paiements. Cependant, vous pouvez tester vos pages - mais pas de transactions réelles - avant d’installer votre certificat SSL/TLS.

Pour savoir comment configurer notre plugin, veuillez vous rendre sur notre documentation en accès libre et gratuit.

Ce plugin a été testé avec succès sur
- Joomla 3.9.26, VirtueMart 3.8.8,
- Joomla 3.9.16, VirtueMart 3.6.10, PHP 7.1.33, 7.2.28, 7.3.15 et 7.4.3,
- Joomla 3.9.2, VirtueMart 3.4.2, PHP 7.1.26 et 7.2.14,
- Joomla 3.8.13, VirtueMart 3.2.14,

Vous aurez peut-être à utiliser notre plugin version 1.1.2 pour les versions suivantes:
- Joomla 2.5.28, VirtueMart and VirtueMart 2.0.26d.
Stripe plugin Back-end Stripe checkout with payment form default template

Stripe Plugin Subscription and a Bundle of Extra Services to Save!

Stripe Stripe + Installation
39.00 119.00
  • One year of downloads and support for Stripe (support only for one website)
  • One year of downloads and support for Stripe (support only for one website)
  • Installation on existing VirtueMart 2 or 3
  • Payment transaction tests
  • Installation on existing VirtueMart 2 or 3
  • Payment transaction tests
  • Peace of Mind to Go Live!


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use the extension after a subscription year?

Yes, you can use the software forever, even after your subscription expires.

Can I install the extension on multiple websites?

Yes, you can install our software on as many sites as you want (unlimited domains).

Can I access your support services for multiple websites?

No, it would be too much for us to keep our quality of support at this price. You should buy another subscription to avail of our support services for another website. If you manage several websites, please contact us to get a volume discount.

Why should I renew my subscription if I can use the software forever?

In an ideal world, our plugin should always work, but there are external factors that may request a plugin update.

The API is regularly updated, and we keep up with it each time it is needed. Also, new features are added, security is upgraded for the payment process. This is depending on PCI DSS Compliance, trading laws, and also on Joomla or VirtueMart code updates. All these changes, that are out of our control, require developer work and technical support time. And of course we release a new version to cover these changes.

Why do you have a subscription business model?

The first reason is to keep improving our code, adding new features, and features requests from you, our clients, that will make you feel it is worth buying and renewing the subscription.

The second reason is to have the resources to update our code when required by external factors, like explained above.

Overall, the subscription model and the renewal, with a 30% discount, makes our business sustainable.

We’ve been fortunate to work with Joomla since 2009. We’ve observed and discussed with many Joomla businesses. The one-time sales business model did not work. The result was unsupported code and disappointed customers.

How do I renew my subscription?

To renew, simply go to the My Subscriptions area and click "Renew". Your 30% savings will be applied automatically at checkout and your subscription will be extended from its current expiration date.

Simple licensing. You can install our software on as many sites as you want (unlimited domains). You can use the software forever, even after your subscription expires.

We reward your loyalty. If you renew before your subscription expires you get a 30% discount. And you don't lose a single day of your subscription!

Why you should renew your Subscription. To get updates and patches for our plugin, and to access our support services, you need an active subscription. Also we release new versions to cover the changes that are out of our control ( API updates, security upgrade, Joomla or VirtueMart important code changes, etc). And it’s easy to renew!

More details

Horaires du Support Technique

Nos heures d'ouverture sont du Lundi au Vendredi de 10:30 à 18:30 heure française (09:30 – 17:30 heure irlandaise (GMT). Voir notre heure locale.
Le système de ticket est fermé les week-ends et en dehors de ces jours: vous ne pouvez ni ouvrir un nouveau ticket, ni répondre à ceux déjà ouverts.

(English) Prices shown without VAT unless explicitly stated otherwise. If you are an individual who resides in a member state of the European Union taxation territory or a business located in it which does not provide a valid VIES-registered VAT number during the subscription process you will be charged VAT at the main rate of your country in accordance to the European Directive 2011/83/EU and its incorporation into EU member states' local laws. Residents of Ireland and Irish businesses will always be charged 23% VAT *.
(*) A six-month reduction in the standard rate of Value-Added Tax (VAT) from 23% to 21% did applied, from 1 September 2020 to 28 February 2021.

The Joomla! ® name is used under a limited license from Open Source Matters in the United States and other countries. Puma-IT is not affiliated with or endorsed by Open Source Matters or the Joomla! Project.

Extensions et Services en français

Nous ajoutons, progressivement, la version française des pages et interactions concernant le plugin Stripe pour VirtueMart. Certaines parties sont encore en anglais, merci de votre patience !

Commentaires sur Stripe pour VirtueMart

star starstarstar star 

Once you go through the documentation and try out the settings (and don't forget to test it with a "test item", it works like a dream.

Ease of use

Very easy to use, though a little play with the settings may be needed to get an understanding of the system. And you need a stripe account.


Best support ever. Hervé has been very patient and kind and helped me greatly when the Stripe plugin no longer spoke with the new updates.


Documentation is very good. You do need a Stripe account, and you need a little "try out" time to get it all in place.

Value for money

Yes, very much value for money. The plugin, Hervé's support, the easy for the customers to use it. It is all worth it.

I used this to: I use it for my IMRF Bookshop: imrfbookshop(.)org. People can now pay by credit/debit card, Paypal (different plugin) and they can request an invoice and pay by bank transfer.
Owner's reply: Thanks a Million for your excellent review! This means a lot to me. And on a early Tuesday morning, you not only you made my day, but you made my whole week! Please accept my sincere gratitude for your feedback and for your trust in my services.
star starstarstarstar 

I particularly liked that test and live config is entered once, and a radio button to switch between modes

Ease of use

Straight forward to setup in the backend and easy for customers to use on the frontend.


Issues created by an upgrade to Virtuemart were dealt with in a timely manner by the developer.


Good documentation library that uses screen shots to clearly show configurations

Value for money

Yes. There are different subscription options, depending on your requirements.

I used this to: Selling various items of merchandise for a sailing club through Virtuemart.
Owner's reply: Thank you so much Lee! I am very grateful for your review and support!


15 February 2019
star starstarstarhalf star 

Covers all what I need

Ease of use

Very simple installation and very simple tu use it


Excellent !


Nearly good

Value for money

Sure !

Owner's reply: I am really thankful for your review on the JED ! Our Documentation has been improved now, also with the addition of Styling and CSS help. Soon it will be available in several languages!
star starstarstarstar 

Excellent, very easy to integrate and works well with the OPC we use from Virtueplanet.

Ease of use

Customer simply sees a neat credit card form


Excellent, fast and comprehensive


Simple to follow

Value for money

Very competitively priced, license is simple - use on as many domains as you like

I used this to: Multiple ecommerce websites
Owner's reply: Thanks a million Sharkey Consulting! I am very appreciative of your support!
star starstarstarstar 

Excellent - does everything we need

Ease of use

Very easy to use, configuration is easy


Excellent - 200 out of 100 if I could :) Herve helped with any queries super quickly


We didn't need to use it - the online help was perfect

Value for money

Excellent value, great extension for our needs

I used this to: Selling academic residential conferences
Owner's reply: Thanks a million David! I am very grateful for your appreciation!
star starstarstarstar 

It works good and easy with OPC.

Ease of use

Very easy to install.


I had a problem and it was solved fast.



Value for money


I used this to: VM shop
Owner's reply: ¡Muchas gracias! I really appreciate your feedback!
star starstarstarstar 

Works perfectly.

Ease of use

Very easy to use.


Great support! There were some issues with the template we are using, but Hervé was very helpful and competent to find a solution!

Value for money

Absolutely worth the money.

I used this to: An Italian online tea shop.
Owner's reply: Thank you very much for your great review, It means a lot to me!
star starstarstarstar 

Functioned perfectly

Ease of use

Easy to use.


Excellent support. Herve installed. Worked perfectly the first time.


Easy to understand

Value for money

Worth more... great value.

I used this to: Our Shopping Cart Products on our Website
star starstarstarstar 

This plugin is great! At first I couldn't get it to work with my install of joomla and virtuemart--but the great tech support from Puma-it (Herve) did real right by me, helping me to quickly resolve the problem and get this up and working on my site. Thanks Herve for your great Code and keep up the great work!

Owner's reply: Thank you Sethtc for sharing your review on my plugin and support services! That is the first review, so I feel very proud. Serving our customers as best as we can is rewarding, I know it!