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Suspension of plugins development

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#100 – - You have passed a blank string for 'source'.

Posted in ‘Stripe for VirtueMart’
This is a public ticket. Everybody will be able to see its contents. Do not include usernames, passwords or any other sensitive information.
Tuesday, 09 January 2018 07:45 GMT

I've installed and enabled this plugin but when I tried to use it to make a payment I get the screen below - error is "0 - You have passed a blank string for 'source'. You should remove the 'source' parameter from your request or supply a non-blank value".

Is this a known problem, and if so, how can I fix it ?

I use the one-page-checkout and don't want to change this.

I had hoped to make credit card payments available to our members before Christmas but had to tell them it was delayed, so I don't want to extend that delay any further than necessary - if it's quicker I'm happy to take a refund and purchase a different extension.


Tuesday, 09 January 2018 11:56 GMT
Hi David,

Thank you for using our plugin for VirtueMart.

We had this error several times, and we have a workaround for this.
We are working on a permanent solution in the code, further test are being done this morning.

In the meantime, here is a work around.
- if you are using the VirtueMart one page checkout, please try to set the Stripe plugin option using "Direct Charge".

- if you are using another one page checkout extension, and another extension around the checkout experience, please let us know.

I will get back to you soon with the updated code.

Kind regards,
Tuesday, 09 January 2018 15:32 GMT
Hi Herve,

Nope, that gave me a different error - see attached.

I also got an email from Stripe copied below, which suggests I can use "unsafe processing", which doesn't sound like a great option :)



"Hello there, and welcome to Stripe!

We noticed that you are passing your cardholder's full credit card number to Stripe's API. We strongly discourage you from handling this information directly because doing so:

Potentially exposes your customer's sensitive data to bad actors

Excludes your payments from protection by Radar, Stripe's fraud protection solution

Requires your business to meet complex and burdensome PCI compliance requirements

To keep your customer's information safe, we were unable to process the unsafe charge you just sent us. In order to process payments securely on Stripe, change your integration to collect payment information using tokenization. Tokenization ensures that no sensitive card data ever needs to touch your server.

In rare cases, you may have to continue handling full credit card information directly. If this applies to you, you can enable unsafe processing in your dashboard.

For any questions, just reply to this email and we'd be happy to help.


The Stripe Team"
Tuesday, 09 January 2018 15:38 GMT
Thank you for your reply David.
I understand that it doesn't sound like a great option. It's good that Stripe is raising the bar to keep the data processing safe. This workaround is deprecated now.

Some fix to Javascript code and it should be all right for an update plugin.

I keep you posted.
kind regards,
Thursday, 11 January 2018 18:44 GMT
Hi David,

I needed some help for JavaScript coding, and got it working properly now. I am packaging a version and will send it to you in the following hours.

Thanks again for your patience!

Kind regards,
Friday, 12 January 2018 22:22 GMT
Hello David,

I have now a beta version for the plugin. It is not available publicly for everybody yet, but you will have the file in the following ticket notification.

Please change back the plugin setting Stripe Charge Type to Stripe.js.
Also note that this version implement 3D Secure. You can test it directly with a Stripe API key with their test data feature.

Please get back to me to let me know if your issue is fixed as expected!

Kind regards,
Friday, 12 January 2018 23:03 GMT
By the way, David, I have adjusted your subscription dates from the original one on the VMED. And I also extended it for the few days you were waiting for the fix. So now you have a subscription with free updates and support for a year, until the 12/01/2019 ;-)

Also, did you find the Download ID to enter in the plugin settings? You will be able to use it in a few days, once the public version 2.2.0 is released.

I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Saturday, 13 January 2018 09:22 GMT
Hi Hervé,

Thanks very much for such quick support. I've installed the plugin and made two successful payments through Stripe, and have noticed three issues which may have nothing to do with the plugin but which you might be able to help me understand.

1. We have one product based on Virtuemart Reward points. It's like a piggy bank/savings account - when I purchase points using Paypal they are added to my virtual account. When I purchase them with Stripe the payment goes through to our Stripe account but my points balance is not increased. This might be some strange configuration in the Virtuemart Rewards plugin.

2. The invoices generated by Virtuemart show the payment method for Paypal but not Strip payments (see attached). This might be important as we may legally need to indicate how people paid on the invoice.

3. There's no indication in the Stripe response of what the payment fee was. With Paypal we get a full response (in the #__virtuemart_payment_plg_paypal.paypal_fullresponse field), which we use for accounting purposes. This may not be available if Stripe don't send this information.

Otherwise it looks like a success so far. I'll continue testing.

Also, thanks for sorting our my subscription, much appreciated !


Monday, 15 January 2018 11:18 GMT
Hi David,

Thank you for your reply. I really appreciate your details feedback and bug reports. It helps us to make a better plugin for our clients like you!

1. I don't have the Virtuemart Reward plugin at hand, to test against our Stripe plugin. It would be helpful to check which payment methods it is working with. Also, I'm sure that with the help of the developer, we could find what is used and triggered in Paypal and other methods, to get the same in Stripe plugin. Please could you give me more detail about this plugin?

2. This bug has been around for a while, as it was also present in, the payment method, included in VM core, that part of our code is based on. I am checking this again, to tackle this issue, finally, and I'll get back to you on this.

3. The Stripe fees are not in the API response, unfortunately. I've checked in different transactions that I have, in Live mode, and no such field is present. I will ask the Stripe developer support, in case I missed something. However, if you can explain a little how you use it for accounting purposes, it may be an interesting feature to add on our side, if possible.

Please let me know how your tests are going.
Thank you!

Tuesday, 16 January 2018 15:41 GMT
Hi Hervé,

All good, we're live !

I made a minor change to plugins/vmpayment/stripe/stripe.php on line 257 to add <label> tags around the "Expiration Date" string as my template was displaying it in tiny font, and a few language overrides to change "Credit Card" to "Card" as we get people asking if we take debit cards too (which work of course). Other than that everything just out of the box.

I decided to disable the Reward points as none of our members were using it (though many asked for it a year ago :) ) It's odd - Reward points are just another product, though in their own category. If I pay with Paypal or raise a manual transaction my Rewardpoints balance increases, but if I pay with Stripe it doesn't. It's like there's a configuration I've forgotten about to link payment methods to the product or category but I can't find it. Anyway, not a problem for the moment !

I'd be interested if you find an answer to displaying the payment type on the invoice, but I suspect this is a Virtuemart issue, not a Puma one.

The Stripe fees are important for us to report to our accountant as they need to see the gross income per transaction and then the net income after deductions. I'll just work this out in the report and display it rather than looking for it in the transaction info.

Thanks very much for all your help,

Wednesday, 17 January 2018 11:32 GMT
Hi David,

I am very pleased that the plugin is live now!

A real template override for the card form is a long overdue.. And now that the JS code is better, I can move on to add this kind of features. Also, I'm integrating some methods and code structure from the Paypal plugin, that has improved a lot in the last two years. It will improve compatibility with other extensions, like "Reward points", and make it easier to debug, especially if the issue is not happening with the Paypal plugin.

If you plan, later on, to re-use "Reward points", please let me know.

Regarding the issue "The payment method description is left blank on the customer confirmation email", I've spent Monday evening on it, with no luck. This is really a weird one, and the VM plugin for has the exact same issue. I will come back to tackle it in the coming days. I have a few issues in back end as well to fix.

Finally, the Stripe fees may have a solution. The Stripe developers gave me some hints, and I will try. A work around is to add a calculation in my code, from a new pair of plugin settings fields with them (different from the cost that could applied to the customer, of course). I never had this request before, but I understand that it is important for you. I will keep you informed soon.

Thank you for using our Stripe plugin for VirtueMart.

Please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory (JED)

Kind regards,
Monday, 12 February 2018 16:15 GMT
Hi again,

Just to let you know, in the correct ticket thread, that I will work on the Stripe fees addition this week. I will let you know the results as soon as possible.

Kind regards,
Tuesday, 13 February 2018 07:58 GMT
That's great, thanks Hervé !

Everything else is working fine, and we're now taking more Stripe payments than any other method so our members love it too :)

All tne best,

Friday, 02 March 2018 19:13 GMT
Hi David,

Just a quick late message to let you know that I've published version 2.2.1, a bug fix release, that implements the full response similar to Paypal, with the Stripe transaction fees in it.

There are many little bugs fixed as well. So please give it a go, and let me know if you can use the DB field like you are doing with Paypal already.

Regarding the issue "The payment method description is left blank on the customer confirmation email", it is a hard one, and I've contacted directly a few VM devs after my post on the forum there

Enjoy the weekend!
Kind regards,

Monday, 02 April 2018 14:05 IST
This ticket has been automatically closed. All tickets which have been inactive for a long time are automatically closed. If you believe that this ticket was closed in error, please contact us.
Tuesday, 03 July 2018 18:17 IST
Hi David,

I hope you are well. I am re-opening this ticket just to let you know another good news!

Your bug report and payment fees request are been all addressed now:

2. The invoices generated by Virtuemart show the payment method for Paypal but not Strip payments (see attached). This might be important as we may legally need to indicate how people paid on the invoice.

With the new release 2.2.3, we fixed the bug "The payment method description is left blank on the customer confirmation email" (Thanks to Peter!). Please update when it suits you:

3. There's no indication in the Stripe response of what the payment fee was. With Paypal we get a full response (in the #__virtuemart_payment_plg_paypal.paypal_fullresponse field), which we use for accounting purposes. This may not be available if Stripe don't send this information.

Like posted above in March, our version 2.2.1 implements the full response similar to Paypal, with the Stripe transaction fees in it.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any assistance!

Best wishes,
Friday, 03 August 2018 14:05 IST
This ticket has been automatically closed. All tickets which have been inactive for a long time are automatically closed. If you believe that this ticket was closed in error, please contact us.
This ticket is closed, therefore read-only. You can no longer reply to it. If you need to provide more information, please open a new ticket and mention this ticket's number.

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Reviews for Stripe for VirtueMart

star starstarstar star 

Once you go through the documentation and try out the settings (and don't forget to test it with a "test item", it works like a dream.

Ease of use

Very easy to use, though a little play with the settings may be needed to get an understanding of the system. And you need a stripe account.


Best support ever. Hervé has been very patient and kind and helped me greatly when the Stripe plugin no longer spoke with the new updates.


Documentation is very good. You do need a Stripe account, and you need a little "try out" time to get it all in place.

Value for money

Yes, very much value for money. The plugin, Hervé's support, the easy for the customers to use it. It is all worth it.

I used this to: I use it for my IMRF Bookshop: imrfbookshop(.)org. People can now pay by credit/debit card, Paypal (different plugin) and they can request an invoice and pay by bank transfer.
Owner's reply: Thanks a Million for your excellent review! This means a lot to me. And on a early Tuesday morning, you not only you made my day, but you made my whole week! Please accept my sincere gratitude for your feedback and for your trust in my services.
star starstarstarstar 

I particularly liked that test and live config is entered once, and a radio button to switch between modes

Ease of use

Straight forward to setup in the backend and easy for customers to use on the frontend.


Issues created by an upgrade to Virtuemart were dealt with in a timely manner by the developer.


Good documentation library that uses screen shots to clearly show configurations

Value for money

Yes. There are different subscription options, depending on your requirements.

I used this to: Selling various items of merchandise for a sailing club through Virtuemart.
Owner's reply: Thank you so much Lee! I am very grateful for your review and support!


15 February 2019
star starstarstarhalf star 

Covers all what I need

Ease of use

Very simple installation and very simple tu use it


Excellent !


Nearly good

Value for money

Sure !

Owner's reply: I am really thankful for your review on the JED ! Our Documentation has been improved now, also with the addition of Styling and CSS help. Soon it will be available in several languages!
star starstarstarstar 

Excellent, very easy to integrate and works well with the OPC we use from Virtueplanet.

Ease of use

Customer simply sees a neat credit card form


Excellent, fast and comprehensive


Simple to follow

Value for money

Very competitively priced, license is simple - use on as many domains as you like

I used this to: Multiple ecommerce websites
Owner's reply: Thanks a million Sharkey Consulting! I am very appreciative of your support!
star starstarstarstar 

Excellent - does everything we need

Ease of use

Very easy to use, configuration is easy


Excellent - 200 out of 100 if I could :) Herve helped with any queries super quickly


We didn't need to use it - the online help was perfect

Value for money

Excellent value, great extension for our needs

I used this to: Selling academic residential conferences
Owner's reply: Thanks a million David! I am very grateful for your appreciation!
star starstarstarstar 

It works good and easy with OPC.

Ease of use

Very easy to install.


I had a problem and it was solved fast.



Value for money


I used this to: VM shop
Owner's reply: ¡Muchas gracias! I really appreciate your feedback!
star starstarstarstar 

Works perfectly.

Ease of use

Very easy to use.


Great support! There were some issues with the template we are using, but Hervé was very helpful and competent to find a solution!

Value for money

Absolutely worth the money.

I used this to: An Italian online tea shop.
Owner's reply: Thank you very much for your great review, It means a lot to me!
star starstarstarstar 

Functioned perfectly

Ease of use

Easy to use.


Excellent support. Herve installed. Worked perfectly the first time.


Easy to understand

Value for money

Worth more... great value.

I used this to: Our Shopping Cart Products on our Website
star starstarstarstar 

This plugin is great! At first I couldn't get it to work with my install of joomla and virtuemart--but the great tech support from Puma-it (Herve) did real right by me, helping me to quickly resolve the problem and get this up and working on my site. Thanks Herve for your great Code and keep up the great work!

Owner's reply: Thank you Sethtc for sharing your review on my plugin and support services! That is the first review, so I feel very proud. Serving our customers as best as we can is rewarding, I know it!